August 24


How to Update Your High School Cafeteria Menu

High school cafeteria menus are a serious matter. You’ve got to get them right, or you risk alienating your students and their parents—or worse, you might accidentally get sued.

We know how hard it is to keep up with the latest trends in food service, but we’re here to help. We’ve put together a quick guide that’ll help you update your high school cafeteria menu.

Add More Healthy Food Options

Back in 2013, a survey by the Washington Post showed that only 22% of school students thought that their cafeteria food was nutritious. While it has been a long time since then, not much has changed, but it needs to.

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Almost 70% of middle school students who buy cafeteria lunches regularly are overweight or obese. The problem then haunts them to high school. So, there is a dire need for change and healthy food options.

One of the best ways to make your cafeteria menu healthier is to add more healthy options. While it’s tempting to serve junk food every day, your students would probably appreciate some variety. Try offering healthy options like fresh fruit, baked chips with salsa or hummus instead of greasy fried ones, and whole grains such as brown rice or quinoa.

Healthy food is important for high school students because it can help them stay focused, improve their test scores, and even reduce their risk of developing diabetes.

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Studies have shown that eating a healthy breakfast can help people focus on their studies and perform better in school. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products can also help students maintain a healthy weight and prevent them from becoming overweight or obese.

Good nutrition also helps keep students’ brains sharp and alert, which means they will be able to focus better and retain more information than students who eat poorly.

Eating nutritious meals will also keep the kids’ blood sugar levels stable, so they don’t experience spikes or crashes that leave them feeling exhausted or unfocused (which are common symptoms of diabetes).

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Keep Small Snack Packs

Small snack packs are a great way to keep your high school cafeteria running smoothly. When students have access to small snacks that they can grab and go, they’re less likely to overindulge in the cafeteria. This helps you avoid wasting food and money while keeping students from feeling too hungry or too full when they’re trying to concentrate on their studies.

In addition, small snack packs are great for encouraging students to try new foods without having to make an entire meal out of them. Students can try a variety of different snacks without having to commit to a larger portion or pay more money than they can afford. This is especially important for students who may have limited funds or limited time when it comes to eating meals outside of the cafeteria.

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Finally, small snack packs are easy for teachers and administrators alike because they allow them to get exactly what they need without having to spend too much time or effort preparing meals. It also helps create an environment where everyone has access even if they don’t always have time for breakfast or lunch breaks during class time.

Install Slushy Makers

Professional slushy makers are a great addition to the high school cafeteria because they provide more choices for students and staff. Usually, students would have to go to the nearest convenience store or Starbucks to get a drink. The slushy machine brings more variety and is a good alternative to soda pop.

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The slushy machine can be used in many different ways. It can be used to make smoothies and other drinks that require mixing ingredients together before pouring them into the cup or glass. This will make it easier for students who cannot go out during lunchtime due to their schedules or after-school activities such as sports practice or tutoring sessions.

High school kids love slushies because they are a relaxing and refreshing treat, perfect for the summer season. Slushies are also very affordable, which is vital to high schoolers who are just starting to get their footing in the world.

Bring a Bit of Diversity

Diversifying your high school cafeteria menu is a great way to make your food more appealing and exciting for the students. The best way to start is by ensuring there are different options available. For example, if you are serving chicken nuggets, try serving them with a side of fries or tater tots instead of just giving students the option of buying both sides separately.

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Another way to diversify your menu is by offering new additions that may not be traditional in other cafeterias. For example, suppose your school started serving macaroni and cheese pizza, and it was an instant hit. Another idea would be adding new foods like tacos or burritos, which could provide some variety in our lunch options while still being relatively healthy options. So, the pizza won’t feel boring at any point because you’re serving something different at times to balance things out.

So, before the next school year starts, bring these changes to your high school cafeteria menu. Your students will love the new changes and enjoy spending time at the cafeteria too. Most importantly, they’ll also have lots of healthy and tasty food options to choose from.

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