August 22


Top 5 Features Of Blockchain You Didn’t Know About

The blockchain technology has been around for quite some time now. However, most people still don’t know much regarding the subject.

Hence, in this article, we’ll be discussing precisely that point. But, before we get into a little technical stuff, let’s begin our journey from the fundamental aspect.

What Is Blockchain?

Blockchain, in essence, is a ledger where records are kept in a block-sized format. It’s usually organised in a chronological order and available to people who’re participating in it.

However, the information kept there will be encrypted through Cryptography. Therefore, it’ll be impossible for anyone to make any change or tamper with it.

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Also, the data is managed or stored here in a decentralised manner. Hence, no one, even if it’s the government of your country, won’t be able to control it.

Instead, a decision can also be made or based upon a consensus of the participating nodes in a blockchain-based program. It might be spread all over the world depending on the ecosystem.

Features Of Blockchain

Unlike the base of the traditional financial infrastructure, Blockchain is much more enriched with features and all. For example, they’re being used in many Crypto trading platforms, like crypto boom, to make them safe and secure.

But, that’s not it. There’s much more to blockchain and how it can benefit you as a whole. Let us keep reading to know more in this regard.

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Feature – 1: Increased Capacity.

Blockchain can increase the overall capacity of almost any network available out there. Thus, it will be easier for the ecosystem to integrate more than one node within it.

And, it won’t stutter or crash at all due to the stability that blockchain provides to the system. But, the whole thing won’t be centralised. So, no one will be able to change or alter anything.

Feature – 2: High-End Security.

The conventional working infrastructure is quite vulnerable in the security segment. Someone with a small amount of knowledge can hack into it and wreck havoc there.

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However, that’s not going to happen in the case of blockchain. Due to having an excellent or technically proper structure, it’ll be impossible for anyone to break it down.

Also, the whole thing is distributed throughout the nodes available in the same ecosystem. So even if one node gets hacked, the hacker won’t be able to get all the data it needs.

Feature – 3: Excellent Immutability.

Blockchain, like Bitcoin, keeps all of its ledgers in a forwarding momentum with a perpetual state. Hence, almost every node available in the ecosystem will have a copy of the ledger.

Now, if you want to add a transaction there, you’ll need to check its validity. Therefore, when the majority of nodes consider the data to be valid, it’ll be placed there accordingly.

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And, once the placement is done, no one will be able to change it again. This, in turn, will be able to increase the transparency of the system and make it more secure than usual.

Feature – 4: Faster Settlement.

A traditional banking system is unbelievably slow. And, there’s a lot of paperwork to be done here as well. So, the required to complete a transaction can get a little too lengthy.

However, that’s not what happens in a blockchain-based infrastructure. Thanks to being free from paperwork and complexity, it can easily complete the whole process within an hour.

And, the verification process will be done much quickly as well!

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Feature – 5: Decentralised System.

A decentralised ecosystem offers you the power to keep all of your assets in a single space as a whole. Hence, there’s no need to worry about your data being stolen or changed by anyone.

Also, while operating your account, you’ll need to use a private key in each and every step. In this case, it’ll be easier to keep your account well-secured till the end.

And, there’s no need to work with any intermediaries as well. Thus, you won’t have to worry about paying more than what you need to in this aspect.


In this article, we have talked about five uncommon features that you probably didn’t know about Blockchain. But, if you need more information in this regard, then comment below. We’ll try our best to offer as much help as we can in this aspect.

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So, that’ll be all for now. Good luck and have a great day ahead!

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